Unemployment Rate Picking Up in New Jersey (4.8 Percent in January 2024)

For the first time in nearly two years, unemployment is starting to rise in New Jersey. The New Jersey Business & Industry Association (NJBIA) reports that the statewide unemployment rate for January 2024 is 4.8 percent. With more workers being let go, it is a good time for reminders of how to file for unemployment. Here, our Monmouth County unemployment benefits attorney provides a step-by-step guide to filing for unemployment after losing a job in New Jersey.
Step #1: Gather and Organize Your Information
Before filing for unemployment in New Jersey, it is imperative that you collect all necessary information. The better organized you are, the better positioned that you will be to pursue your unemployment benefits. The information that you need typically includes your Social Security number (SSN), home address, telephone number, email address, and the reason for your unemployment. Beyond that, you should have details of all employers you’ve worked for in the past 18 months, including names, addresses, phone numbers, and the dates of employment.
Step #2: Create an Online Account and File a Claim
The New Jersey unemployment application system is now most effectively and efficiently managed online. To file a claim, visit the New Jersey Unemployment Insurance website and create an account. You will need to set up a username and password. Once your account is created, log in and select the option to file a new unemployment claim. From there, you will follow the prompts—entering the information you gathered as part of the first step in this article. After submitting your claim, you will receive a confirmation number, which you should keep for your records.
Step #3: Get Professional Help if Your Unemployment Benefits are Denied
Unfortunately, some workers run into problems when seeking unemployment benefits in New Jersey. If your initial claim for unemployment benefits is denied, do not lose hope. Remember, you have the right to appeal an adverse decision. The best step that you can take at this point in the process is to consult with a top-tier New Jersey unemployment lawyer. Your attorney can review the case and help you determine what you need to present to bring a strong, persuasive appeal.
Step #4: Satisfy All Ongoing State Eligibility Requirements
In New Jersey, there are ongoing requirements that people must meet in order to keep receiving their unemployment benefits. Along with other things, this includes actively searching for work and keeping a record of your job search efforts. Failure to comply with these requirements could result in the loss of your benefits.
Get Help From an Unemployment Benefits Attorney in New Jersey
At Poulos LoPiccolo PC, our New Jersey unemployment benefits lawyer is committed to helping employees solve problems. If you have any questions about applying for unemployment, please do not hesitate to contact us today. With a main office located in Monmouth County, our firm represents workers in unemployment benefit claims all across New Jersey.