Study: Chemical Hair Relaxers Linked To Breast Cancer/Uterine Cancer (Class Action Litigation)

Did you know that chemical hair relaxers have been linked to breast cancer and uterine cancer? In recent years, very alarming new studies have come out—raising serious safety questions about these products. Lawsuits are being filed against some of the world’s largest cosmetic companies. In this article, our New York & New Jersey class action litigation lawyers explain what you need to know about the risks, your rights, and your options.
What to Know About the Risk: Hair Relaxers Linked Breast Cancer & Uterine Cancer
The safety questions about chemical hair relaxers (hair straighteners) first hit the public near the end of 2019. At that time, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences published a study finding a 30 percent increase in breast cancer risk for women who use chemical hair relaxers at least once every other month. Within a few months, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) released the findings of another alarming study finding that women who use hair relaxers regularly face double the risk of uterine cancer.
Mass Tort Litigation: Hair Relaxer Lawsuits
Mass Tort litigation is a legal process that allows a group of individuals with similar claims to join their lawsuits together against a company as a group. In recent years, there have been numerous lawsuits related to hair relaxers. Hair relaxers are chemical products that are used to straighten curly hair. These lawsuits allege that the companies that manufacture and sell hair relaxers failed to adequately warn consumers about the potential risks associated with using these products. Several large companies have been named as defendants. You may have a legal claim for harm caused by a hair relaxer if any of the following two scenarios apply:
- You developed breast cancer or uterine cancer after using a chemical hair relaxer on a periodic basis; or
- Your loved one died of breast cancer or uterine cancer after using a chemical hair relaxer on a periodic basis.
Corporations Can Be Held Liable for Harm Caused By Dangerous and Defective Products
Product liability refers to a manufacturer or seller’s legal responsibility for any harm caused by a product they have produced or sold. In New Jersey, corporations have a duty to ensure that products are reasonably safe for consumers. Companies must take steps to identify and mitigate any potential hazards associated with their products, and to provide adequate warning labels and instructions for safe use. Consumers who are injured by a defective or dangerous product may have a product liability claim against the manufacturer or seller in order to recover damages for their injuries. Notably, New Jersey has a strict liability law for defective product claims.
Contact Our New York & New Jersey Class Action Litigation Attorneys Today
At Poulos LoPiccolo PC, our class action litigation attorneys have the skills and experience to represent victims and families in defective product claims. If you have any questions about hair relaxer lawsuits, we can help. Contact us today to arrange your free, confidential consultation. Our firm provides class action litigation representation in New York and New Jersey.