60 Minutes: More Than 1,200 Parents Now Suing Social Media Companies For Harming Mental Health Of Their Children

On December 11th, 2022, 60 Minutes released an important story on the mental health lawsuits—now more than 1,200 nationwide—that parents of children and teenagers are filing against major social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
We represent families in social media lawsuits. Here, our New York & New Jersey Meta lawsuit attorneys discuss the 60 Minutes report in more detail and explain your rights if your child suffered harm because of Facebook, Instagram, or another social media platform.
Background: A Whistleblower Came Forward With Important Disclosures About Facebook
The recent string of lawsuits against social media giants stems from disclosures made by whistleblower Frances Haugen in the fall of 2021. Ms. Haugen is a skilled data engineer and former Facebook employee who came forward and disclosed tens of thousands of internal company documents. The documents are now referred to broadly as The Facebook Files. Among other things, these documents show that top executives at Meta (parent company of Facebook and Instagram) knew that their platform was toxic and harmful for teenagers, especially young girls.
60 Minutes: 1,200 Families are Part of More than 150 Lawsuits
Parents are fighting back. We are now seeing the first major wave against the big social media giants, particularly Meta. 60 Minutes reports that approximately 1,200 families nationwide have joined lawsuits on behalf of their children and/or teenagers who suffered mental health harm due to social media addiction. At least 150 lawsuits are moving forward next year.
Social Media Can Harm Children and Teens, Big Corporations Must Be Held Accountable
The reality is that social media has become an integral part of modern society. It has significantly impacted the way we communicate and connect with each other. While it has its benefits, it also has the potential to cause harm to individuals, particularly children and teenagers. Many studies have shown that excessive use of social media can lead to negative mental health outcomes such as increased anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, eating disorders, and even suicide.
Alarmingly, the big social media companies were well-aware of the adverse mental health impact that their platforms can (and often do) have on vulnerable young people. Not only did they fail to protect them, the companies often exploited the addictive effects. Facebook/Instagram (Meta) and other social media companies must be held accountable. Parents have options. If your child or teen was harmed by social media, contact our attorneys today. We can help.
Get Help From Our New York & New Jersey Meta Lawsuit Attorneys Today
At Poulos LoPiccolo PC, our New York & New Jersey Meta lawsuit lawyers are strong advocates for justice. Large social media companies must be held accountable for putting children and teenagers in harm’s way. If you have any questions about the Meta lawsuits, we are here to help. Contact us today to set up a free, fully confidential consultation. Our law firm represents people and families in both New York and New Jersey.