Wage Theft Is A Far Larger Problem Than Many People Realize

Employees work hard for their money. You deserve to be paid fairly (and in full) for the hours that you put in. After all, no business or organization can succeed without the contributions from its employees. Unfortunately, too many companies effectively steal wages from their workers.
The problem of wage theft is far larger than many people realize. In this article, our Monmouth County wage theft attorneys discuss the scope of the problem and explain your options if you were not paid full and proper wages by an employer in New Jersey.
Analysis: Average of $1 Billion in Stolen Wages Recovered for American Workers Each Year
What is wage theft? Broadly defined, it is an employer’s failure to pay a worker the full and proper wages and/or benefits that they are due by law or contract. It is a huge problem. According to an analysis from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), federal and state officials recovered more than $3 billion in unpaid wages on behalf of American workers over a three year period. To be clear, this means that the total extent of wage theft is undoubtedly far higher than $1 billion. Wage theft too often goes unreported and unaddressed. The EPI estimates that total annual wage theft may be as high as $8.4 billion. For reference, that means that an average of $3,300 is stolen annually per full-time employee.
A Victim of Wage Theft By an Employer in New Jersey? Four Steps to Take
Wage theft should not be allowed to go unchallenged. You need to take immediate action to protect yourself, your family, and your financial interests. Here are four things you should do if you believe that you were the victim of wage theft in New Jersey:
- Document It: To the best of your ability, document wage theft. Record what you were paid, what you should have been paid, and why.
- Report Your Concerns: The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and New Jersey state law protect your right to complain about wage and hour violations directly to your employer. If you are punished for doing so, you can file a retaliation claim.
- Be Proactive: You have a limited amount of time to bring a wage theft lawsuit. Do not miss out on your rights. Take proactive measures.
- Consult With a Wage Theft Lawyer: You do not have to navigate the legal system alone. A New Jersey wage theft attorney will help you get the full payment you earned.
Schedule a Confidential Consultation With a New Jersey Wage Theft Attorney Today
At Poulos LoPiccolo PC, our New Jersey wage theft lawyers are skilled, experienced, and effective advocates for employee rights. If you believe that you were the victim of wage theft, we are here to help you get justice and the full wages that you earned. Contact us today to arrange a fully private, no obligation initial case review. From our law office in Monmouth County, we represent employees in wage theft cases throughout the State of New Jersey.